This week was like a blur.The rest of my birthday was good! In the town where I am assigned thefood situation is not good. If you're lucky enough to score a dinnerappointment the food is always amazing, but the restaurants and placesto eat are not so good. We literally spent 45 minutes going from placeto place before we found somewhere that didn't only sell pancit bihon,which we eat several times a week anyway, until we finally went to theplace we always go to. In Aparri theres a ton of wicked places, plus Icelebrated with a buko shake and Dunkin Donuts so couldn't get anybetter really. Had a sleepover in Sister Ramos apartment so I was SOhappy to see her! But it didn't get too crazy because her comp gotsick, she ate something bad and was suffering pretty bad. She'dalready been to the hospital and was advised to go home and just waitit out. Personally, I was genuinely concerned she was going to be thelatest person to enter the Spirit World that night, but luckily forher she has the best comp in the world. So we spent the night by herbedside while Sister Ramos boiled water and made food and tucked herin and did all those beautiful things. It literally looked like thatscene in Legacy where shes sitting there dying from some disease andshes all "has God forsaken us??" and the friend is all "we can't losefaith Eliza!". I took a picture with her permission. She survived, itwas a miracle.Had our zone con on Tuesday, said goodbye to Sister Storey. She isgoing home in a week. What the. I remember when we got our calls, andwhen she left, and she left like 5 seconds before me. Oh goodness. Butthe conference was amazing. It had this huge emotional undertonebecause everyone is so close to the end now, and everythings changingand everyone is so tired. But the trainings were inspired. The part Iloved most was about being chosen. We all know those scriptures 'manyare called, but few are chosen', and we're already called, that partsover, but we have to chose to be chosen every single day. The onlydays we are the chosen one are the days we give it our all. I neededthat. I'm tired. And its hard to sprint when you feel like you goalmost nothing left, but thats why we have the Atonement right? Andfor all those other reasons too.President Barrientos quote of the week:"I texted all the missionaries in Ilocos who were trapped in theirapartments during the typhoon to check if they had any food left. Oneof them texted back and said "we only have our 72 hour kits and theAtonement." Lol.Our RC dad blessed the sacrament yesterday after only being a memberfor 3 weeks now. He was worried about messing it up and studied it allday every day all week, plus he didn't have a white shirt and tie onSaturday night, but we arrived on Sunday and someone had donated tohim and he was already up there ready to go. Got it right first time.He is the man!We were told last minute we were having a missionary fireside onWednesday night so we dropped all our plans for it, got there and itturned out to be a welcome home party for a missionary in the branch.Luckily we had a bunch of investigators so it was still a good use oftime. It was the weirdest thing. We watched him get out of the van,straight from the airport. Then he bore his testimony, had some talks,and then while we were all eating they took him out to be released. Hecame back 10 minutes later without a name tag on. Oh gracious it wasawful. Its crossed my mind about leaving the mission, but the thoughtof actually getting home was weird and shocking and I didn't know howto handle it. I had to leave, I hated it. Pero! We went and taught hisfamily yesterday, and it was him and another boy in the next ward whojust came home on the same day, the sister who also a new RM, and theparents who are service missionaries. So we had a wicked missionarylesson about missionaries with a whole room of missionaries. Luckilythey are keen as to start reactivating everyone in the branch.Blessings.It feels like we've had literally no time to teach lately becausewe've had so much going on. This week we just had a ton of meetings, afuneral, activities, all of it. But sometimes when you feel liketheres no way, the Lord opens a way for you. So we have investigatorson the way to baptism still, with little or no time to teach them ornot!Still loving it. Still the best mission in the world. Still love you all.Sister McKim
Photos: Last generation picture! My mum and my daughter, we did a 'spontaneous
laughter' picture. Magunda.Our RCs pig had 11 piglets and this is the morning after they wereborn. They are the best thing I've ever seen.Sister Ramos saving her comp, so sweet.
HISo its my birthday, again! Yep. I'm here in Apparri for a conferencetomorrow, which means SLEEPOVERS with my favourite sisters! Blessings!This week was just a lot going on. Actually this whole transfer hasbeen a lot going on, felt like I haven't had a moment to sit or thinkor sleep in my own bed, but its been good, loving the ride. This weekwas another week of typhoon, we had power for a couple days which wasgood, always makes life a little easier. Had exchanges this week, metthe sisters at 6.30am and the told us they still hadn't emailed 3 daysafter P-day because of black outs, so President let them do it then,meaning I got a blessed hour of time while we waited - itliterally felt like Christmas day. I watched the documentary aboutPresident Thomas S. Monson's life, and here I am at the crack of dawnin a weird computer shop in the back of someones house in some darkalley tearing up, just thinking about the Prophet and how amazing heis. I can just tell how great of an example he was his whole life,even when he was young he was so humble and such a great leader. Ican't remember ever being so inspired so early in the morning, but Ijust want so much to be like him, to just be anxiously engaged in agood cause literally all of the time. I can't imagine his life. Thosegeneral authorities are really earning their exaltation. It reallyjust gave me that push this week that I so desperately needed, notjust to finish my mission, but to keep earning my exaltation. Nothingscares me anything more in the world than thinking I just might notget there.Had exchanges again and WENT BACK TO MY OLD AREA! I had been waitingever so patiently for the day, and the beautiful sisters over inSanchez had planned to visit all of my recent converts. Ah man.They're so good! And so many more of the people we found have beenbaptised since I left. Such a blessing, not a chance that comes arounda lot. Plus I ran into so many of my old investigators who have sincenot been progressing so well, and was able to be very bold in a veryloving way with them. After that I felt like I had to leave on thatspiritual note, so I didn't feel right about taking pictures. Siyang.So no pictures this week, sorry! Stuck around for district meetingwith my Aussie mate Elder Naulu - finally in the same zone so caughtup on all the chika-chika. I was called on to be the surprise musicalguest and the two of us had everyone going with a rousing rendition ofAdvance Australia Fair. Its in the hymnbook so its allowed.In blessed news, the dad we've been working with came to church onSunday. I just felt so strongly from the moment I got here that he wasone of the reasons I came here, and when I teach him I just feel likeI know what to say, WHEN I've been working to maintain the Spirit. Ican't even describe the feeling when I saw him walk in with his wholefamily just before the sacrament was passed. Of course, I've had a lotof investigators come to a lot of sacrament meetings before, but thisone was something special. I feel like if I don't put my whole heartand soul into this one he might not make it at this time, so its thepush I need to give it my all. I think we're gonna do it. In otheramazing news, the AP's came up to do a training, and one was justnewly called coming from my first area in San Nic. He told me that TWOof the families we found and baptised last year will be going to thetemple in December to be sealed, and HOPEFULLY also the third if theycan be ready in time. It was the most amazing news I'd heard in a longtime. The bit thats a little sad is its literally a week before I willbe in Manila at the temple anyway, otherwise I would have been able tobe there with them. I don't think I'll be able to swing a trip downthere a week before I go home, but it doesn't mean that I'm not goingto beg President super hard when I see him tomorrow.So, I love my mission. I'm so so tired. The last couple weeks havebeen 5am wake ups MOST of the days, and I'm tired, I'm so tired, butthe work will go forth boldy, nobly and independent until it haspenetrated every continent, visited every climb, swept every countryand sounded in every ear. I didn't even mean to start writing theStandard of Truth just then but my mind fell asleep for a second andmy brain thought thats what I wanted to write. The life. Haha. My newfavourite song is the April 2014 conference version of Let Us AllPress On. I have to listen to it on full volume at least 10 times aday right now. Ah man. Can't wait for conference.Work hard my dears,Salvation is not a cheap experience!Sister McKim
Shortest week ever this week!After the worlds most tiring weekend ever we got back on the bus uphere on no sleep and having eaten nothing with nutritional value forat least three days. We got on the bus and my comp recognised theconductor as the one involved in the bus crash she was in just acouple weeks ago, where a person was killed, so we were already off toa sketchy start. Having no other choice, we stayed. Now bus rides herearen't like bus rides at home. Its more like a roller coaster. You'regoing super fast, weaving through traffic, overtaking things andrushing back to avoid head on collisions, suddenly stopping, gettingliterally airborne, its out of control. Plus the road is on stilts onthe side on a mountain above the ocean. Its magunda but itsnakakatakot. So we're all trying to get some sleep when BAM, smashinto another bus and the guardrail protecting us from a watery grave.Everyone starts yelling at the bus driver but we don't really have anyother option we just have to keep going. The ride was ok after that,but one of us threw up in a plastic bag, again....I won't say who.The whole time I was thinking about this training someone gave a whileago. About when Nephi was tied to the ship and everything was out ofcontrol and how at that point he just really didn't feel like aprophet. I have a lot of those moments. Sometimes you're just in thesereally awkward situations and you're just thinking man, I just reallydon't feel like a missionary right now. But then you get home, pullyourself together in the 5 minutes you have to spare, head out to alesson and you just testify, and then you have those moments when youcan feel like a missionary again.So I had one of those this week! I think I said it before that 6months ago I used to come on exchanges in this area so I'd already meta lot of the people. There was this one family where everyone but thedad is a member. 6 months ago he'd done a 180 in his life, was comingto church, loving the scriptures and set for baptism - the onlyproblem was he was struggling to give up smoking. I remember teachinghim back then and seeing how much he wanted it, but its like the focuswas all on his smoking. When I got here my comp had never even taughthim before so somewhere along the line he got lost, and obviously wasnever baptised. I felt so strongly to go there, and have been going onabout him for weeks. Finally we found them, and at first he tried tomake an excuse to leave but we managed to get him to sit down. Ihaven't felt the Spirit that strongly in a lesson in a while, it wastelling me every word to day. I told him we wouldn't even ask himabout his smoking, because thats not what were here to do, we're gonnafocus on his spirituality, and helping their family to be as strong asthey can be. And then out of nowhere I went on about how sometimes wefeel like failures, and we get kicked when were down but if we justremember that the main goal is them going to the temple theneverything will happen in its right time. He looks at me and goes,"Sister, thats exactly how I felt, like a failure." I knew I'd saidthe right thing. I felt like a missionary. Sometimes you really justdon't, but sometimes you just really do.So Saturday afternoon at 3 we get a text from President saying at 5everyone is to be inside, were on lockdown because theres a massivehurricane coming. Take a sneaky peek out the window - not a cloud inthe sky. Nevertheless, being obedient, we we go home and at 5 on thedot it starts to rain. Wake up in the middle of the night to a ragingstorm. It went all morning til literally about half an hour beforechurch, and there was sudden calm. Not even half the members werethere because the areas flood super easy, but as it went on we watchedpeople start arriving one by one. I was so happy for them, they reallyarea amazing to do that. Then like clockwork about half an hour afterchurch, power cuts back out and the storm starts raging like nothingelse. It was a violent, violent hurricane. I sat and watched theshore for a while waiting for the tsunami any second, our house wasshaking, the coconut trees were bent further than any tree shouldbend, and the rain was basically horizontal. But were not scared,because we're missionaries. But were a little scared to see what thestorm did to the members houses, so were going after this. We've stillgot no power but we managed to find a computer shop with a generator.So thats my week. I just love this place so much, and I don't like tothink that theres going to be more storms and more problems in thefuture and I'm going to be oblivious to it all in my happy little lifeat home. But like everything else, the Lord's got this, and thatsreally the most important thing.Love you,Sister McKimxx
Hi guys,Quick one today since there is no p-day this week. Woke up at 5something to write this email and so that we could eat this week soI'll do my best to keep it short and sharp!Feels like we barely even taught this week, travel and meetings allweek but still managed to hit the standard of excellence, since itsnot allowed to be anything less than an excellent missionary! We ran atraining for the district leaders and the training I gave was aboutnot being boring. Haha. It was actually about working with members andleaders but it was really about how if you're motivated and fun andexciting its way easier to get people to work with you, give youreferrals, and all that great stuff. Gave another training atLeadership Council on Monday which I was informed about at 9.15 thenight before. After spending the last few days with all themissionaries closest to going home, I felt inspired to give a trainingabout enduring to the end and not getting trunky. Everyone is stilldoing awesome but with about half the mission going home by the end ofthe year the trunky influence can get spread super easy. I'm nowherenear trunky yet but other people freaking out about going home makesme freak out so gotta stay away.Baptised a family on Saturday! This family is amazing, they remind meso much of the Ramos family back in my first area. They have 3 girlsbut one of them in studying away but will be baptised as soon as shecomes back for summer break. What I love about these families, is howit all goes back to a good dad. The dad is awesome, and so nice andjust so excited to get the Priesthood and bless his family. When youhave an awesome dad, you have an awesome family. BTW, happy Father'sDay Tatay McKim, you're the man! It was a blessing to be a part oftheir conversion, and like all baptisms, it wasn't without its drama.We all arrived at the chapel on time assured that the font was beingfilled, and found it had been taken care of in time, except that quiteoften the water just runs out without warning, and the water was stillabout shin deep. They insisted it was going to be ok but looking atthe size of Bro I wasn't sure even if he laid on the floor of the fontthat he would be covered enough. So most obvious solution, BEACHBAPTISM! The best kind. Everyone was keen except for the people beingbaptised, until the district president came and saved the day. He gotall the men together, sent them down to the well and bucket by bucketgot it sort of up to knee deep. Worked out alright in the end.Favourite quote from this weeks district meeting. Talking about theAtonement, our district leader referenced Elder Uchtdorf's talk fromlast conference, "are you sleeping through the Restoration?" butchanged it to, are you sleeping through the Atonement? Really made methink, are we?? Are we forgetting that we are living in a time wherewe have the blessing of repentance and forgiveness, that if we aresick we can us the power of the Priesthood to be healed, or that if westruggle all we need to do is call on the power of the Atonement whichwas wrought for us?? After that it really made me ponder what I can doto even more apply the Atonement in my life each and every day.Thats all I got time for.Love you all,Sister McKim